Google Ads and Facebook Ads : generating real store visitors

2020 was a game changer in the digital world for businesses.iIf you have a real store and aim to use digital marketing to bring real visitors to your store this case study is for you. We are going to adapt a strategy used by bigger companies to promote their brands, we are adapting this strategy to small businesses and local stores. This strategy has been tested on few of the businesses we are managing and have shown results.


We know that an average of 98% of people that are seeing your business are not going to buy instantly. Online, people need between 5 to 10 touchpoints before making a purchase  (A touchpoint is the way a customer is interacting with your business : visiting your website, liking your post, filling a form, reading your posts…)). What stops people from buying are two main things: lack of trust and the need to evaluate and compare your business with other ones. The last issue is that competition on Google ads for local businesses is growing day after day,and that’s because customers are more confronted to digital advertising so it requires more effort to win their trust, this is why building trust through brand awareness on Facebook Ads will make it easier for a customer to convert, specially that competition is growing day by day on Google Ads wish means the cost per click is going higher. in this case competition was high so we needed to set up a strategy that will make us stand out of what small businesses do currently to advertise their business.  Only few small businesses uses a funnel strategy based on brand awareness and retargetting wish is normal, small businesses doesn’t have the necessary knowledge and experience to apply such concepts for their stores, centers or services. 

Our approach:

 We are using a funnel strategy where we are overcoming all the customers obstacles. First step will be brand awareness of your local store through facebook ads, the second step is educating and building trust with your customers through a campaign including : testimonials, services you are proposing, special offers…The last step will be to create a campaign on Google Ads for visitors ready to take action through targeting relevant keywords. The geotargetting should be specified to your neighbourhood if you’re running a campaigns for your local store. 


300% ROI for the Google Ads  

Increase store

Increase of real store sales